

My kids love Snickerdoodles. This recipe is from a cookbook we received as a wedding present waaay back in 1982. It is a funny little ward (church) cookbook named "Ensign Fifth Favorites". We call it the Ruby Clark Cookbook. Ruby Clark was a member of Grant's ward when his family lived on the avenues back in the 70's. She was the organizer of this Relief Society cookbook, and a Relief Society President from 1970-73 (listed in front of book). Ruby must have loved to cook, because the book is filled with her recipes. This book features recipes popular in the 70's in this area of the country: Bananas in Blankets, Savory Crescent Chicken Squares, Golden Gate Chicken, O Boy Supper, Lemon Chiffon Ice Box Cake, Lazy Lady Cake...a hundred jello and slush/punch recipes are included too. I noticed in the "acknowledgements" Ruby and her husband Wayne were responsible for printing and compiling. Poor Wayne. I'm sure he was the unofficial 3rd counselor.
Our favorite Snickerdoodle recipe comes from this book. They are a soft and sweet- cinnamonny (I know that's not a word) treat. Thanks Sister Ruby.


1 cup shortening ( I use 1/2 butter flavor Crisco and 1/2 regular)
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 Tablespoons sugar

Cream shortening, sugar and eggs in large bowl. Sift dry ingredients and stir in. Chill dough and roll into balls size of golf balls. Roll cookie dough balls in cinnamon sugar mixture. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for about 8 minutes.

-I always double this recipe
-If the cookies are too puffy half way through baking- flatten slightly with back of spatula, return to oven to finish cooking.
-don't over bake - these cookies are best when slightly under baked.
-This is one of a few cookie recipes I make that calls for shortening instead of butter. When I first started making these, I experimented with all butter, but the cookies were too flat. I have used half butter and half regular Crisco too. In my climate, the Crisco option works best.


  1. We made a single recipe yesterday and they turned out great! Thanks. I'm going to try fish tacos next or the yummy looking rice.

  2. snickerdoodles! snickerdoodles! My fav cookie. After Sugar. And Choc. chip. Those three. Yah, all three.


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