
Blackberry Slump

My friend Emily, who is Tessa's sister is an expert gardener. She and her husband Spence have the most amazing orchard on their property. Being invited to Emily's home this time of year is a special treat! Apples, Peaches, grapes, vegetables, blackberries...you name it, they grow it. A mini Garden of Eden. On September 11, 2001, our cooking group gathered together under the grape vines and feasted on a harvest dinner. We talked about the events that day, that would forever change the way we live... Emily and Spence's children pick and sell berries - yesterday, I was the lucky recipient of a flat of the sweetest, most delicious blackberries EVER.
I ate a pint or two of the berries, then looked for a recipe that would do the berries justice... I think I found it. After eating two big servings with vanilla ice cream, I asked Grant what he thought and he said "BERRIE good!" He is such a cornball.

Blackberry Slump

4 heaping cups blackberries about 1 1/2 lb.
1 cup sugar (less if the berries are sweet)
1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup whole milk
2 Tablespoons butter, melted

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Grease a pie plate, or 5-6 cup gratin dish. Place the berries in the greased dish, sprinkle with 1/2 to 3/4 cups sugar, depending on the sweetness of the berries. Sift all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the milk, melted butter and sugar. Mix until smooth. Pour the batter over the berries. Don't worry if the mixture does not completely cover the berries. Bake until golden brown. About 30-35 minutes. Serve while warm with vanilla ice cream.


  1. Looks fabulous! You are killing me.
    This is good though...I can look and read and enjoy with out the calories.
    Love you ...I'm drooling

  2. Speaking of "looking FABULOUS" . . .How in the world did our fabulous looking Melinda get her fabulous looking photo on her comment. . .hmm. . .methinks some people are are little too smarty-pants. . .or maybe I'm just a little too blonde-in-the-brain. . . And, Hey!--Si: These recipes are kinda like to DIE for. . .


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