Showing posts with label bountiful kitchens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bountiful kitchens. Show all posts


Bountiful Kitchens

Once in a while, the fact that I have a "Bountiful Kitchens" page comes up. Not to be confused with "A Bountiful Kitchen".  I know. Now you are confused. 
Whaa? Yes, look up. See the tab that says "Bountiful Kitchens"?? 
Did you ever wonder, what it is? What lurks behind curtain #2? 

Kathy's Bountiful Kitchen

It's a page with photos of kitchens. Back when I was designing my kitchen (8 years ago), I looked to every resource I could find for ideas. My favorites were magazines with great pictures, and taking a look at newly remodeled kitchens. So, I thought it made sense to create a page that was devoted to pictures of kitchens. 
If you are looking to build, remodel, or just freshen things up a bit, take a look. Maybe you'll see something you love. 
And if you want to share, we would love a peek inside your kitchen. 
I'll try to do a better job of letting you know when I post new pictures. 
Will you send your snapshots to me?  Email your favorites to
Hints for taking great photos- 
1. Remove all extra clutter, so we can see the bones of your kitchen. That sounds weird. But I'm not taking it back. 
2. Take the photos in daylight. Really, daylight photos are best.  Trust me.
3. Take some closeups and some entire room shots. Take different angles. 
4. Include your favorite features. Like the flour drawer, the wood counter tops or the custom made cabinet for your plug in fairy cake cooker...please tell me you don't have one.